

发布于 2023-09-13 20:43:35     浏览 56




1、 nose-bleed 2、 鼻出血 3、 英文词源: 4、 nose-bleed (n.) 5、 1848, from nose (n.) + bleed (n.). 6、 双语例句: 7、 1. Barry had his nose put out of joint by Lucy's aloof sophistication. 8、 露西的冷淡与世故使得巴里十分不快。 9、 来自柯林斯例句 10、 2. He had had a fight with Smith and bloodied his nose. 11、 他和史密斯打了一架,把后者的鼻子打出了血。 12、 来自柯林斯例句 13、 3. She wrinkled her nose, piqued by his total lack of enthusiasm. 14、 她皱皱鼻子,为他毫无热情而感到不快。 15、 来自柯林斯例句 16、 4. If you kept your nose clean, you had a job for life. 17、 如果你规规矩矩,就可以一辈子都捧着这个饭碗。 18、 来自柯林斯例句 19、 5. She even had plastic surgery to change the shape of her nose. 20、 为改变鼻子的形状,她甚至接受了整形手术。 21、 来自柯林斯例句 22、 更多相关例句: 23、 He also suffered a nose bleed at the end of the dive. 24、 潜水结束,他鼻子血流不止.【互联网】 25、 Common adverse reactions included headache, nose bleed and nasal sores. 26、 常见的副作用反应包括头痛 、 鼻出血和鼻子痛.【互联网】


