

发布于 2023-07-16 04:02:50     浏览 110




1、 fief 2、 音标:英 [fiːf] 美 [fif] 3、 解释: 4、 n. 封地,采邑 5、 n. (Fief)人名;(法)菲耶夫 6、 中文词源: 7、 fief 封地,采邑来自PIE*peku, 牛。引申词义耕作,耕种,指有土地所有权的国王或庄园领主把土地封给其臣民或臣子进行耕作,以臣民或臣子上交一定的田租或提供劳务服务做为交换,类似于中国古代的分封制。比较其同源词feudal, fee. 8、 英文词源: 9、 fief 10、 fief: see fee 11、 fief (n.) 12、 also feoff, 1610s, from French fief (12c.) "a 'feud,' possession, holding, domain; feudal duties, payment," from Medieval Latin feodum "land or other property whose use is granted in return for service," widely said to be from Frankish *fehu-od "payment-estate," or a similar Germanic compound, in which the first element is from Proto-Germanic *fekhu, making it cognate with Old English feoh "money, movable property, cattle" (see fee). Second element perhaps is similar to Old English ead "wealth" (see Edith). 13、 双语例句: 14、 1. The heir on taking up his ancestors fief had to pay a relief. 15、 继承其前辈封地的人须交纳一笔“接替费”. 16、 来自辞典例句 17、 2. For five years she was marooned in the Tigers'northern fief. 18、 在猛虎组织的北部据点,她被拘禁了长达五年之久. 19、 来自互联网 20、 3. It influences base income from fief. 21、 它影响基地收入封地. 22、 来自互联网 23、 4. New Orleans now has one elected tax assessor - instead of seven, each overseeing his own fief. 24、 新奥尔良现在有一位民选的税务稽核员, 而非再是七位各管一摊. 25、 来自互联网 26、 更多相关例句: 27、 She considers the office as her own private fiefdom. 28、 她把办公室视为她的私人领地。【牛津词典】 29、 For five years she was marooned in the Tigers'northern fief. 30、 在猛虎组织的北部据点,她被拘禁了长达五年之久.【期刊摘选】 31、 It influences base income from fief. 32、 它影响基地收入封地.【期刊摘选】 33、 The heir on taking up his ancestors fief had to pay a relief. 34、 继承其前辈封地的人须交纳一笔“接替费”.【辞典例句】


