

发布于 2023-09-01 23:14:10     浏览 227




1、 medicament 2、 音标:英 [mɪ'dɪkəm(ə)nt; 'medɪk-] 3、 解释: 4、 n. 药剂;医药 5、 vt. 用药物治疗 6、 英文词源: 7、 medicament (n.) 8、 mid-15c., "medical skill; a medicinal compound," from Middle French médicament (15c.), from Latin medicamentum "drug, remedy," literally "means of healing," from medicare "to heal, cure" (see medication). 9、 双语例句: 10、 1. In medicament industry, iodine has huge effect for antisepsis and antisepticise. 11、 在医药中, 碘具有很大的消毒、防腐作用. 12、 来自互联网 13、 2. The present invention relates to a medicament for treating recurrent spontaneous abortion. 14、 此项发明系治疗习惯性自然流产之医学方法. 15、 来自互联网 16、 3. The efficacy stabilizes upright amicable , handle faceface of the medicament environment. 17、 药剂的环境介点友爱 、 处理效力稳固. 18、 来自互联网 19、 4. Be medicament system and the process flow turn to be effective rationally. 20、 该药剂制度和工艺流程合理,效果显著. 21、 来自互联网 22、 5. Menaquinone ( vitamin K _ 2 ) is a high efficiency counteractant bleeding medicament. 23、 维生素K_2是高活性的抗出血药物. 24、 来自互联网 25、 更多相关例句: 26、 In medicament industry, iodine has huge effect for antisepsis and antisepticise. 27、 在医药中, 碘具有很大的消毒、防腐作用.【互联网】 28、 Menaquinone ( vitamin K _ 2 ) is a high efficiency counteractant bleeding medicament. 29、 维生素K_2是高活性的抗出血药物.【互联网】 30、 The efficacy stabilizes upright amicable, handle face face of the medicament environment. 31、 药剂的环境介面友爱 、 处置效能稳固.【互联网】 32、 Taurine is widely used in food additive, medicament, detergent, etc. 33、 牛磺酸已被广泛的应用于食品添加剂 、 医药及洗涤剂等行业.【互联网】 34、 Methods Compared the biological medicine efficiency of the encapsulated medicament. 35、 方法比较胶囊所包裹的药物的生物药效率.【互联网】 36、 The medicament preparation, adding and automatic control coal preparation plant , Dongtan Coal Mine are introduced. 37、 介绍了东滩煤矿选煤厂药剂制备 、 添加和自动控制系统.【互联网】 38、 Objective To understand the usage and curative effect of BZD Medicament in outpatient with recrudescing Psychoses. 39、 目的了解我院门诊复诊精神病人BZD类药品的使用情况和疗效评定.【互联网】 40、 The invention provides a super well - type medicament fixing device and relates to the field of medicaments. 41、 一种超井型药物固定装置,本发明涉及药物领域,提出了一种超井型药物固定装置.【互联网】 42、 The invention provides a medicament vest and relates to the field of medicament vests. 43、 一种药物背心,本发明涉及药物背心领域,提出了一种药物背心.【互联网】 44、 Welding agent is a kind of medicament that is used to help welding, and improve quality. 45、 焊药是帮助焊接, 提高焊接质量的药剂.【互联网】 46、 The invention relates to a beggarweed - killing medicament higheffect, belonging to the field of pesticide. 47、 本发明涉及一种灭杀山蚂蝗的药剂, 属于农药领域.【互联网】 48、 Objective To investigate the effect of calcium hydroxide ( CH ) intracanal medicament against endodontic interappintment emergencies ( IAE ). 49、 目的探讨氢氧化钙 ( calciumhycroxide,CH ) 根管内封药对根管治疗期间急症 ( Endodonticinterapp-ointmentemergencies, IAE ) 的预防效果.【互联网】 50、 The rats in Tongluo group were given Tongluo medicament 1.0 g · kg ~ ( - 1 ) · d ~ ( - 1 ) for 6 weeks. 51、 成模后治疗组给予通络方剂1.0g·kg~ ( -1 ) ·d~ ( -1 ),用药6周.未用药大鼠模型为对照组.【互联网】 52、 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is easy to produce medicament inductivity resistance to a few sensitive drugs. 53、 嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌对仅有的几个敏感药物也易产生药物诱导性耐药.【互联网】 54、 To improve traditional BP algorithm, to build effective the pattern recognition of the activity of medicament. 55、 目的改进传统的BP算法, 建立有效的药物活性识别模式.【互联网】


