

发布于 2023-10-21 14:58:08     浏览 210




1、 satin 2、 音标:英 ['sætɪn] 美 ['sætn] 3、 解释: 4、 n. 缎子;缎子衣服 5、 adj. 光滑的;绸缎做的;似缎的 6、 n. (Satin)人名;(法)萨坦;(俄)萨京 7、 助记提示: 8、 色丁就是satin的音译。色丁是一种面料,也叫沙丁。 9、 中文词源: 10、 satin 绸缎,缎子来自法语 satin,绸缎,来自阿拉伯语 zaytuni,刺桐,刺桐的绸缎,即 Zaitun,刺桐,泉州古名, 中世纪时海上丝绸之路的起点(有争议)。 11、 英文词源: 12、 satin 13、 satin: [14] Like many other fabric names, satin betrays the fabric’s place of origin, although only after a little digging. It comes via Old French satin from Arabic zaitūnī, which denoted ‘of Zaitun’ – and Zaitun was the Arabic rendering of Tseutung, the former name of a port (now Tsinkiang) in southern China from which satin was exported. Sateen [19] is an alteration of satin, on the model of velveteen. 14、 satin (n.) 15、 mid-14c., from Old French satin (14c.), perhaps from Arabic (atlas) zaytuni, literally "(satin) from Zaitun," a Chinese city, perhaps modern Quanzhou in Fukien province, southern China, a major port in the Middle Ages, with a resident community of European traders. The form of the word perhaps influenced in French by Latin seta "silk." OED finds the Arabic connection etymologically untenable and takes the French word straight from Latin. As an adjective from mid-15c. 16、 双语例句: 17、 1. The final stage of waxing left it with a satin sheen. 18、 最后上完蜡后,它看起来犹如缎子般光滑亮泽。 19、 来自柯林斯例句 20、 2. The satin slippers tread daintily through the dewy grass. 21、 缎子拖鞋轻盈地踏过沾着露珠的草地。 22、 来自柯林斯例句 23、 3. She had tied back her hair with a peach satin ribbon. 24、 她用一根桃色缎带把头发扎在脑后。 25、 来自柯林斯例句 26、 4. a white satin ribbon 27、 白色缎带 28、 来自《权威词典》 29、 5. Gold and green satin brocade drapes hung at the windows. 30、 窗上挂着金碧辉煌的缎子窗帘. 31、 来自《简明英汉词典》 32、 更多相关例句: 33、 a white satin ribbon 34、 白色缎带【牛津词典】 35、 The paint has a satin finish. 36、 漆面像缎子一样光滑。【牛津词典】 37、 ...a peach satin ribbon. 38、 桃色缎带【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 39、 ...stylish dresses in silks and satins. 40、 丝绸和缎子质地的新潮裙子【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 41、 The final stage of waxing left it with a satin sheen. 42、 最后上完蜡后,它看起来犹如缎子般光滑亮泽。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 43、 Satin weaves are characterized by long floats on the face of the fabric. 44、 缎纹组织的特点是在织物的表面具有较长的浮长线.【期刊摘选】 45、 Satin has a sheen. 46、 缎有一种光泽.【《现代英汉综合大词典》】 47、 Rafter of satin, and roof of stone. 48、 裹着绸缎的椽, 石头屋顶.【期刊摘选】 49、 Her skin is as smooth as satin. 50、 她的皮肤像缎子一样光滑.【《现代汉英综合大词典》】 51、 The satin feels smooth. 52、 这缎子摸起来很滑溜.【《现代汉英综合大词典》】 53、 There's the remnant of satin she stole. 54、 这就是她偷去的那块零头缎子.【辞典例句】 55、 She fringed the small white flag with red satin. 56、 她用红色缎子做流苏装饰小白旗.【期刊摘选】 57、 Gold and green satin brocade drapes hung at the windows. 58、 窗上挂着金碧辉煌的缎子窗帘.【《简明英汉词典》】 59、 The walls were hung with white satin. 60、 房间四壁挂起白色绸幔.【辞典例句】 61、 Grace satIn her little room, writing a letter by the light of an oil lamp. 62、 格雷丝坐在她的小房间里, 在油灯下写信.【期刊摘选】 63、 She wore a white satin gown trimmed with lace. 64、 她穿着一条饰有蕾丝花边的白色缎子长裙.【《简明英汉词典》】 65、 SHOPPING: Hangzhou is famous worldwide for its precious silk and satin and for the delicious Longjing tea. 66、 购物: 杭州的丝绸和龙井茶闻名天下,是购物首选.【期刊摘选】 67、 She wore a cream satin dress. 68、 她穿着一条米色的缎子裙子.【《简明英汉词典》】 69、 Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes. 70、 白衣少女,腰系蓝绸带.【期刊摘选】 71、 Polish and bright materials iridescent satin and organza. 72、 磨光和发亮的材料,色丁和薄纱.【期刊摘选】 73、 Mrs. Lee had put on her best black satin dress. 74、 李老太太穿上了她最好的黑缎子衣服.【辞典例句】 75、 She appeared in a slinky satin dress. 76、 她穿着紧身的缎料连衣裙出场.【《简明英汉词典》】 77、 The conventional point setting for flat clothing is known as unitary twill or satin. 78、 盖板针布的针尖排列组织一般采用斜纹、缎纹等单一植针方式.【期刊摘选】 79、 Masculine military style jacket, a black tux complete with a slim, ruffled, satin shirt. 80、 如有阳刚之风的军款茄克和一件黑色礼服搭配一件贴身的褶边缎质衬衫.【期刊摘选】 81、 Satin is very easily roughed. 82、 缎子很容易起毛.【《简明英汉词典》】 83、 a white satin ribbon 84、 白色缎带【《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》】 85、 She tried to kick the pajamas loose, but they were tangled in the satin sheet. 86、 她想把睡衣踢脱,可是它却和缎子床单绞到了一块。【柯林斯例句】 87、 The final stage of waxing left it with a satin sheen. 88、 最后上完蜡后,它看起来犹如缎子般光滑亮泽。【柯林斯例句】


