

发布于 2023-06-27 22:17:20     浏览 388




1、 didactic 2、 音标:英 [dɪ'dæktɪk; daɪ-] 美 [daɪ'dæktɪk] 3、 解释: 4、 adj. 说教的;教诲的 5、 中文词源: 6、 didactic 道德说教的来自希腊语didaktos,教导,教学艺术。后词义贬义化。 7、 英文词源: 8、 didactic 9、 didactic: see doctor 10、 didactic (adj.) 11、 1650s, from French didactique, from Greek didaktikos "apt at teaching," from didaktos "taught," past participle of didaskein "teach," from PIE root *dens- "wisdom, to teach, learn." Related: Didactically; didacticism. 12、 双语例句: 13、 1. He is more didactic in his approach to the learning process. 14、 他在教学过程中侧重于灌输。 15、 来自柯林斯例句 16、 2. In totalitarian societies, art exists for didactic purposes. 17、 在极权社会里,艺术只为教化的目的而存在。 18、 来自辞典例句 19、 3. I don't like her didactic way of explaining everything. 20、 我不喜欢她那种像教小孩子一样解释一切的方法. 21、 来自辞典例句 22、 4. This novel was intended to be neither didactic nor aggressive. 23、 这部书的本意,既不想教训人,也不想攻击人. 24、 来自辞典例句 25、 5. Their lack of form, represents the weakening of an older line of didactic communication. 26、 他们在写作上没有形式, 表明老一派说教性的表达方式已在走下坡路. 27、 来自辞典例句 28、 更多相关例句: 29、 He is more didactic in his approach to the learning process. 30、 他在教学过程中侧重于灌输。【柯林斯例句】 31、 I don't like her didactic way of explaining everything. 32、 我不喜欢她那种像教小孩子一样解释一切的方法.【辞典例句】 33、 This novel was intended to be neither didactic nor aggressive. 34、 这部书的本意,既不想教训人,也不想攻击人.【辞典例句】 35、 The book, which takes question - and - answer format, has a clipped, slightly didactic style. 36、 本书采用问答体的形式, 言简意赅, 略带说教意味.【互联网】 37、 EXMP : His speech to the new freshmen was painfully didactic. 38、 他的演说对于新人来说是一种痛苦的说教.【互联网】 39、 He mentioned in his paper the didactic tendency in Chinese literature. 40、 他在论文中提到了中国文学中的道德说教倾向.【互联网】 41、 I don't like his didactic manner. 42、 我不喜欢他好说教的态度.【互联网】 43、 Prejudice determines the relativity and absoluteness of understanding, which is a didactic unity of the two. 44、 前见决定了理解的相对性,同时又决定了理解的绝对性, 理解是相对性与绝对性的辩证统一.【互联网】 45、 I always found the teachings of the Catholic Church to be too didactic. 46、 我总觉得天主教派的教义太过教条式.【互联网】


