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1、 fatherly 2、 音标:英 ['fɑːðəlɪ] 美 ['fɑðɚli] 3、 解释: 4、 adj. 父亲的;父亲般的;慈爱的 5、 英文词源: 6、 fatherly (adj.) 7、 Old English fæderlic "fatherly, paternal; ancestral;" see father (n.) + -ly (1). Similar formation in Dutch vaderlijk, German väterlich. Related: Fatherliness. 8、 双语例句: 9、 1. His voice filled with fatherly concern. 10、 他的声音充满了慈父般的关切。 11、 来自柯林斯例句 12、 2. He took my arm in a fatherly way. 13、 他慈父般地挽起我的胳膊。 14、 来自柯林斯例句 15、 3. He keeps a fatherly eye on his players. 16、 他像父亲一样照管着他的球员。 17、 来自《权威词典》 18、 4. He was a fatherly shoulder to cry on when things went wrong. 19、 当出现问题时,他是一个像父亲一样可以向其倾诉的人. 20、 来自《简明英汉词典》 21、 5. I'd like to give you some fatherly advice. 22、 我想向你提出一些父亲般的忠告. 23、 来自辞典例句 24、 更多相关例句: 25、 fatherly advice 26、 慈父般的忠告【牛津词典】 27、 He keeps a fatherly eye on his players. 28、 他像父亲一样照管着他的球员。【牛津词典】 29、 His voice filled with fatherly concern... 30、 他的声音充满了慈父般的关切。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 31、 He took my arm in a fatherly way. 32、 他慈父般地挽起我的胳膊。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 33、 The teacher looked at me with a fatherly smile. 34、 老师带着慈祥的微笑看着我.【期刊摘选】 35、 Let me give you a little fatherly advice. 36、 让我谨向你提些慈父般的劝告吧.【期刊摘选】 37、 I try speaking to her in a fatherly way about the toilet seat. " Oh zut! " 38、 如果你们这么怕,我就找一家 咖啡馆 去上厕所. ”【期刊摘选】 39、 Fatherly , I give an explanation of the ingredients and function of the information in PI. 40、 在此基础上, 论文阐明了信息的构成要素及其在政策执行中的作用.【期刊摘选】 41、 This thesis also taking few transition examples of other companies, fatherly elaborated the key factor model. 42、 并结合其它一些公司的战略转型实例, 对关键因素模型进行了进一步的阐述和论证.【期刊摘选】 43、 And then , abruptly, he beamed at Henry with a fatherly genial air, incredibly counterfeit. 44、 紧接着, 他却突然无比虚伪地摆出了一副亲如慈父的神气, 满面堆笑地问候亨利.【辞典例句】 45、 This fatherly bear teaches us that there's always room for " inability " in parental " responsibility. " 46、 这头慈父熊教会我们就家长’责任’而言, ’ 无能 ’ 总还有很多发展空间.【期刊摘选】 47、 I'd like to give you some fatherly advice. 48、 我想向你提出一些父亲般的忠告.【辞典例句】 49、 Fatherly love is to ignite our voyage sails! 50、 父爱就是鼓起我们远航的风帆!【期刊摘选】 51、 In conditional fatherly love we find a negative and a positive aspect. 52、 这种有条件的父爱既俱有消极的一面,也俱有积极性的一面.【期刊摘选】 53、 Let me give you some fatherly advice. 54、 我来向你提供一些父亲般的忠告.【期刊摘选】 55、 But my became my mother after the woman, because she is I fatherly wife. 56、 而我的继女变成了我的母亲, 因为她是我父亲的妻子.【期刊摘选】 57、 He is a fatherly old doctor. 58、 他是个慈祥的老大夫.【期刊摘选】 59、 He viewed them with the manner of a fatherly pilot , his countenance radiant with benevolence. 60、 他像一位慈父般的老向导那样看着他们, 脸上堆着慈祥的笑容.【辞典例句】 61、 The vicissitudes of insurance industry would influence widely and fatherly. 62、 保险事业之荣枯,经营成败,波及广泛,影响深远.【期刊摘选】 63、 All things happen to God's fatherly providence. 64、 所有的事物都按着神天父般的眷护而发生.【期刊摘选】 65、 He was a fatherly shoulder to cry on when things went wrong. 66、 当出现问题时,他是一个像父亲一样可以向其倾诉的人.【《简明英汉词典》】 67、 And at the same time, they should be supervised and restrained fatherly. 68、 同时应当加强对减刑、假释的监督、制约.【期刊摘选】 69、 Presenting the suggestion and the opinion of fatherly clearing the local legislation scope. 70、 提出了进一步明确地方立法权限范围的建议和意见.【期刊摘选】 71、 Suddenly Jack smiled and slipped back into his fatherly role. 72、 杰克突然微微一笑,又摆起了慈父的姿态.【辞典例句】 73、 You might accidentally say something fatherly and make her come home. 74、 但你就不能说些慈父的话让她回家吗.【电影对白】 75、 His own conduct in hunting her down had been such a breach of fatherly courtesy. 76、 他亲自把她捉住的行为是一件违反为父之道的事情.【期刊摘选】 77、 He keeps a fatherly eye on his players. 78、 他像父亲一样照管着他的球员。【《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》】 79、 His voice filled with fatherly concern. 80、 他的声音充满了慈父般的关切。【柯林斯例句】 81、 It is a wise father that knows his own child, but today a man can boost his paternal ( ' , fatherly) wisdom - or at least confirm that he's the kid's dad.【出自-2009年考研阅读原文】


