

发布于 2023-07-12 20:22:01     浏览 135




1、 extermination 2、 音标:[ɪk'stɝmə'neʃən] 3、 解释: 4、 n. 消灭;根绝 5、 英文词源: 6、 extermination (n.) 7、 mid-15c., "repulsion;" 1540s, "utter destruction, eradication," from Middle French extermination and directly from Latin exterminationem (nominative exterminatio) "ejection, banishment," noun of action from past participle stem of exterminare (see exterminate). 8、 双语例句: 9、 1. All door and window is sealed for the extermination of mosquito. 10、 为了消灭蚊子,所有的门窗都被封闭起来了。 11、 来自辞典例句 12、 2. In doing so they were saved from extermination. 13、 这样一来却使它们免于绝灭. 14、 来自辞典例句 15、 3. Children of fourteen were considered " independent " for purposes of transport to the extermination camps. 16、 为了把犹太人运往灭绝集中营,14岁的儿童就被视做 “ 独立 ” 的人. 17、 来自演讲部分 18、 4. He will have to perform a tough game, extermination opponents hope. 19、 藉此他才能陆续演出高难度球技, 灭绝对手的希望. 20、 来自互联网 21、 5. After the extermination of the Jedi ranks, lightsabers became rare relics. 22、 在绝地组织灭亡后,光剑成为一种罕见的文物. 23、 来自互联网 24、 更多相关例句: 25、 All door and window is sealed for the extermination of mosquito. 26、 为了消灭蚊子,所有的门窗都被封闭起来了。【辞典例句】 27、 In doing so they were saved from extermination. 28、 这样一来却使它们免于绝灭.【辞典例句】 29、 Children of fourteen were considered " independent " for purposes of transport to the extermination camps. 30、 为了把犹太人运往灭绝集中营,14岁的儿童就被视做 “ 独立 ” 的人.【演讲部分】 31、 After the extermination of the Jedi ranks, lightsabers became rare relics. 32、 在绝地组织灭亡后,光剑成为一种罕见的文物.【互联网】 33、 All doors and windows are sealed for the extermination of mosquito. 34、 为了消灭蚊子,所有的门窗都被封闭起来了.【互联网】 35、 CABAL : The Tacitus is necesarry, the extermination of Tratos was necesarry. 36、 塔西佗是必须的, 消灭特拉托斯是必须的.【互联网】 37、 THE choice for our people, Mr President, is between statehood and extermination. 38、 总统阁下,我们的人民的选择是, 要么建国, 要么绝种.【互联网】 39、 Chapter III Control and Extermination of Animal Epidemics. 40、 第三章动物疫病的控制和扑灭.【互联网】 41、 Jefferson's suggestion to pursue the Indians to extermination fits well into the eugenistic vision. 42、 杰弗逊认为追求印第安人灭绝很符合优生论.【互联网】 43、 The Karen people comprising mostly of poor Christian farmers have been singled out for extermination. 44、 卡伦帮内部从事农业耕种的、贫困的基督徒被挑选出来并屠杀.【互联网】 45、 Many living thing species extermination or the perdition are caused by this way. 46、 许多生物物种的灭绝或频临灭亡就是如此造成的.【互联网】 47、 The best - known destination for dark tourism is the Nazi extermination camp at Auschwitz in Poland. 48、 波兰的纳粹奥斯威辛集中营是最有名的黑色旅游地点.【互联网】 49、 Increasing salinity caused by the evaporation resulted in the extermination of scores of invertebrate species. 50、 由蒸发引起的越来越高的盐度造成无脊椎动物种类的灭绝.【互联网】


