

发布于 2023-10-31 01:16:56     浏览 314




1、 sledge 2、 音标:英 [sledʒ] 3、 解释: 4、 vt. 用雪橇搬运;乘雪橇;用大锤打 5、 vi. 用大锤打;猛击;乘雪橇 6、 n. 雪橇;大锤 7、 n. (Sledge)人名;(英)斯莱奇 8、 助记提示: 9、 1. slay, slaughter => sledge(大锤). => sledgehammer. 10、 2. slide => sledge => sled, sleigh. 11、 中文词源: 12、 sledge 雪橇来自 sled 拼写变体,拼写受-dge 影响。 13、 sledge 大锤,重锤来自古英语 slecg,大锤,重锤,词源同 slay,slag.拼写受-dge 影响。 14、 英文词源: 15、 sledge 16、 sledge: English has two words sledge. The sledge [OE] of sledgehammer [15] was once a word in its own right, meaning ‘heavy hammer’. It goes back to the prehistoric Germanic base *slakh- ‘hit’, source also of English slaughter, slay, etc. Sledge ‘snow vehicle’ [17] was borrowed from Middle Dutch sleedse. Like Dutch slee (source of English sleigh [18]) and Middle Low German sledde (source of English sled [14]), its ultimate ancestor was the prehistoric Germanic base *slid- ‘slide’ (source of English slide). Sledging ‘unsettling a batsman with taunts’ [20], which originated in Australia in the 1970s, may have been derived from sledgehammer. 17、 => slaughter, slay, sly; sled, sleigh, slide 18、 sledge (n.1) 19、 "heavy hammer," Old English slecg "hammer, mallet," from Proto-Germanic *slagjo- (cognates: Old Norse sleggja, Middle Swedish sleggia "sledgehammer"), related to slege "beating, blow, stroke" and slean "to strike" (see slay (v.)). Sledgehammer is pleonastic. 20、 sledge (n.2) 21、 "sleigh," 1610s, from dialectal Dutch sleedse, variant of slede (see sled (n.)); said by OED to be perhaps of Frisian origin. 22、 双语例句: 23、 1. She travelled 14,000 miles by sledge across Siberia to Kamchatka. 24、 她乘雪橇穿越西伯利亚到达了堪察加半岛,行程共1.4万英里。 25、 来自柯林斯例句 26、 2. The sledge gained momentum as it ran down the hill. 27、 雪橇从山上下冲时的动力越来越大. 28、 来自《简明英汉词典》 29、 3. Sledge of CB adaptation, the major changes to deal the data buffer. 30、 Sledge的CB改编, 主要改动是数据缓冲区的处理. 31、 来自互联网 32、 4. Last week there was a quarrel during a sledge drive. 33、 上礼拜当雪车驶动时发生了一场争吵. 34、 来自辞典例句 35、 5. The sledge was steered from a platform. 36、 滑板由操作台控制. 37、 来自辞典例句 38、 更多相关例句: 39、 We were hoping we could go sledging . 40、 我们本来希望能去乘雪橇。【牛津词典】 41、 She travelled 14,000 miles by sledge across Siberia to Kamchatka. 42、 她乘雪橇穿越西伯利亚到达了堪察加半岛,行程共 1.4 万英里。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 43、 Our hill is marvellous for sledging and we always have snow in January. 44、 在我们的那座小山上滑雪橇最棒了,而且1月我们那里总会下雪。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 45、 Sarcasm became a sledge hammer in their debate. 46、 在他们的辩论中,讽刺成为强有力的武器.【期刊摘选】 47、 The front sledge could be steered by a lever on the front of the frame. 48、 前滑板可由位于机身前部的操纵杆控制.【辞典例句】 49、 Franois harnessed him and in a minute the sledge was moving. 50、 弗朗索瓦给它套上了绳索.不一会儿,雪橇便启程上路了.【期刊摘选】 51、 The dogs pulled sledge over the ice and the sledge carried the equipment. 52、 狗拉着装有设备的雪橇.【期刊摘选】 53、 The rear of the frame was carried on a pair of smooth irons forming a sledge. 54、 机身的尾部安装在一对平滑的铁板上.【辞典例句】 55、 Sparks flew out as the sledge hammer hit the rock. 56、 锤子打在岩石上,迸发了好些火星儿.【期刊摘选】 57、 The sledge was steered from a platform. 58、 滑板由操作台控制.【辞典例句】 59、 There are a great number of people in the park riding the sledge. 60、 公园里,来坐冰船的人还真不少.【期刊摘选】 61、 Italy participated in ice sledge hockey for the first time. 62、 意大利首次参加雪橇冰棍球的比赛.【期刊摘选】 63、 The sledge gained momentum as it ran down the hill. 64、 雪橇从山上下冲时的动力越来越大.【《简明英汉词典》】 65、 At first light they returned to the sledge and found Perrault and Franois tired and angry. 66、 第二天天一放亮,它们便跑回雪橇边.只见弗朗索瓦和佩罗特又累又气地呆在那里.【期刊摘选】 67、 The sledge slid along in the midst of a plaintively intense melody. 68、 在这种如怨如诉的和谐乐声中,在这种极其紧张的气氛中,雪橇在疯狂奔驰.【期刊摘选】 69、 The sledge coasted down the slope. 70、 雪撬滑下坡.【辞典例句】 71、 Jeff: The Winter Olympic Games lasts 12 days. Skiing, skating, ice hockey, sledge and so on are included. 72、 杰夫: 冬奥会会期为十二天,项目包括滑雪 、 滑冰 、 冰球 、 雪橇等.【期刊摘选】 73、 Which Sledge Is Better? 74、 哪个雪橇更好?【期刊摘选】 75、 Sarcasm became sledge hammer in their debate. 76、 在他们的辩论中,讽刺成为[强有力的武器].【期刊摘选】 77、 But suddenly a shout from Perrault, and they saw eighty a hundred dogs around the sledge. 78、 突然间,他们听到佩罗特的叫喊, 只见上百条狗包围了雪橇.【期刊摘选】 79、 The leading sledge went faster and faster. 80、 领头的雪橇越驰越快.【辞典例句】 81、 His undersides are jagged potsherds, leaving a trail in the mud like a threshing sledge. 82、 30他肚腹下如尖瓦片.他如钉耙经过淤泥.【期刊摘选】 83、 It was, in short, a sledge rigged like a sloop. 84、 原来福克先生看见的正是一条单桅船式的雪橇.【期刊摘选】 85、 The sledge gained momentum as it run down the hill. 86、 雪橇从山上下冲时动量越来越大.【期刊摘选】 87、 Roy not only delivered, he drove it home with a sledge hammer. 88、 Roy的的表达掷地有声, 句句有力.【期刊摘选】 89、 His underparts are like sharp potsherds ; He spreads out like a threshing sledge on the mire. 90、 伯41:30他肚腹下如尖瓦片.如钉耙经过淤泥.【期刊摘选】 91、 She travelled 14,000 miles by sledge across Siberia to Kamchatka. 92、 她乘雪橇穿越西伯利亚到达了堪察加半岛,行程共1.4万英里。【柯林斯例句】


