

发布于 2023-08-20 19:31:29     浏览 172




1、 kiss 2、 音标:英 [kɪs] 美 [kɪs] 3、 解释: 4、 vt. 吻;(风等)轻拂 5、 vi. 接吻;(风等)轻触 6、 n. 吻;轻拂 7、 n. (Kiss)人名;(德、英、俄)基斯;(匈、罗)基什 8、 中文词源: 9、 kiss 亲吻来自古英语cyssan,亲吻,来自Proto-Germanic*kuss,吻的声音。比较osculate. 10、 英文词源: 11、 kiss 12、 kiss: [OE] Kiss is a widespread Germanic word, represented also in German kūssen, Dutch kussen, Swedish kyssa, and Danish kysse. It probably goes back to some prehistoric syllable imitative of the sound or action of kissing, such as *ku or *kus, which would also lie behind Greek kunein ‘kiss’, Sanskrit cumb- ‘kiss’, and Hittite kuwass- ‘kiss’. There is not sufficient linguistic evidence, however, to show whether the Indo-Europeans expressed affection by kissing each other. 13、 kiss (v.) 14、 Old English cyssan "to kiss," from Proto-Germanic *kussjan (cognates: Old Saxon kussian, Old Norse kyssa, Old Frisian kessa, Middle Dutch cussen, Dutch, Old High German kussen, German küssen, Norwegian and Danish kysse, Swedish kyssa), from *kuss-, probably ultimately imitative of the sound. Related: Kissed; kissing. For vowel evolution, see bury. There appears to be no common Indo-European root word for "kiss," though suggestions of a common ku- sound may be found in the Germanic root and Greek kynein "to kiss," Hittite kuwash-anzi "they kiss," Sanskrit cumbati "he kisses."Kissing, as an expression of affection or love, is unknown among many races, and in the history of mankind seems to be a late substitute for the more primitive rubbing of noses, sniffing, and licking. [Buck, p.1113] 15、 Some languages make a distinction between the kiss of affection and that of erotic love (compare Latin saviari "erotic kiss," vs. osculum, literally "little mouth"). French embrasser "kiss," but literally "embrace," came about in 17c. when the older word baiser (from Latin basiare) acquired an obscene connotation. Insulting invitation kiss my ass is at least from 1705, but probably much older (see "The Miller's Tale"). 16、 kiss (n.) 17、 Old English coss; see kiss (v.). It became Middle English cuss, but this yielded to kiss, from the verb. Kiss of death in figurative sense "thing that signifies impending failure" is from 1944 (Billboard, Oct. 21), ultimately in reference to Judas's kiss in Gethsemane (Matt. xxvi:48-50). The kiss of peace was, in Old English, sibbecoss (for first element, see sibling). 18、 双语例句: 19、 1. She planted a kiss on each of his leathery cheeks. 20、 她在他粗糙的面颊上左右各吻了一下。 21、 来自柯林斯例句 22、 2. She tilted her face to kiss me quickly on the chin. 23、 她侧过脸飞快地在我下巴上亲了一下。 24、 来自柯林斯例句 25、 3. I put my arms around her and gave her a kiss. 26、 我抱着她吻了她一下。 27、 来自柯林斯例句 28、 4. They used to kiss and cuddle in front of everyone. 29、 他们过去经常在人前搂抱亲吻。 30、 来自柯林斯例句 31、 5. Macaulay Culkin receives his first screen kiss from cutesy 11-year-old Anna Chlumsky. 32、 麦考利·卡尔金的银幕初吻来自于忸怩作态的11岁童星安娜·克鲁姆斯基。 33、 来自柯林斯例句 34、 更多相关例句: 35、 They stood in a doorway kissing (= kissing each other) . 36、 他们站在门口亲吻。【牛津词典】 37、 Do people in Britain kiss when they meet? 38、 英国人见面时亲吻吗?【牛津词典】 39、 Go and kiss your mother goodnight. 40、 去亲亲你母亲祝她晚安。【牛津词典】 41、 She kissed him on both cheeks. 42、 她吻了吻他的双颊。【牛津词典】 43、 He lifted the trophy up and kissed it. 44、 他举起奖杯吻了一下。【牛津词典】 45、 The sunlight kissed the warm stones. 46、 阳光洒落在温暖的石块上。【牛津词典】 47、 Come here and let me kiss it better. 48、 过来让我亲一亲就不疼了。【牛津词典】 49、 Well, you can kiss goodbye to your chances of promotion. 50、 嗳,你就甭想晋升了。【牛津词典】 51、 He kissed away her tears. 52、 他吻了吻她,她就不哭了。【牛津词典】 53、 Come here and give me a kiss ! 54、 过来亲亲我吧!【牛津词典】 55、 a kiss on the cheek 56、 在面颊上的一吻【牛津词典】 57、 We were greeted with hugs and kisses . 58、 我们受到欢迎,又是拥抱,又是亲吻。【牛津词典】 59、 She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek... 60、 她倾身向前亲吻了他的面颊。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 61、 She kissed me hard on the mouth... 62、 她深深地吻了我的嘴。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 63、 The men stepped forward to kiss the hand of their mentor... 64、 这些男子走上前去轻吻他们导师的手。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 65、 She bowed her head and kissed the Archbishop's ring. 66、 她低下头轻吻大主教的戒指。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 67、 The wheels of the aircraft kissed the runway. 68、 飞机的轮子轻触跑道。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 69、 Maria blew him a kiss... 70、 玛丽亚给了他一个飞吻。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 71、 Amy blew a kiss from the door. 72、 埃米在门口做了个飞吻的动作。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 73、 I felt sure I'd have to kiss my dancing career goodbye. 74、 我明确感觉到我将不得不与我的舞蹈生涯说再见了。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 75、 Evans'body type is better suited match up against shooting guards and small forwards. 76、 埃文斯的体型更适合防得分后卫和小前锋.【期刊摘选】 77、 She blew a kiss to the onlookers. 78、 她向旁观的人群送去一个飞吻.【《简明英汉词典》】 79、 Kiss the children good night. 80、 向孩子们接吻道晚安.【《现代汉英综合大词典》】 81、 You would not be surprised if a stranger tried to shake hands when you were introduced, but you might be a little startled if they bowed, started to stroke you or kissed you on both cheeks.【出自-2013年12月听力原文】 82、 We’re big advocates of bodily autonomy and not forcing him to hug or kiss people unless he wants to, but it never occurred to me that I should ask his permission to post photos of him online.【2018年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B】 83、 Were big advocates of bodily autonomy and not forcing him to hug or kiss people unless he wants to, but it never occurred to me that I should ask his permission to post photos of him online.【2018年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B】


