

发布于 2023-08-30 22:31:23     浏览 140




1、 Mao 2、 音标:[mau] 3、 解释: 4、 abbr. 单胺氧化酶(monoamine oxidase) 5、 adj. 毛式服装的 6、 n. 毛式服装 7、 n. (Mao)人名;(柬、老)毛;(法)马奥 8、 英文词源: 9、 Mao (adj.) 10、 "simple style of clothing based on dress in Communist China," 1967, from French, from name of Mao Tse-tung (1893-1976), Chinese communist leader. Related: Maoism. 11、 更多相关例句: 12、 Mao - tai is a good clear wine. 13、 茅台是味醇的好酒.【《现代英汉综合大词典》】 14、 Still, Mao chose to treat my remarks at face value. 15、 毛还是宁愿按照表面价值来对待我的谈话.【辞典例句】 16、 The Chinese Mao Tai wine is popular all over the world. 17、 中国的茅台酒闻名全世界.【辞典例句】 18、 Mao did not put forward these ideas in a single presentation. 19、 毛并不是一口气说出这些意见的.【辞典例句】 20、 Zhuge Liang sent captured - general Xiahou Mao to Jicheng City to persuade Jiang Wei to surrender. 21、 诸葛亮又派俘将夏侯懋带兵前往冀城劝姜维投降.【英汉 - 翻译样例 - 文学】 22、 " That's what an ordinary returned student can appreciate, the poetry of the ehr - mao - tzu. 23、 “ 这是普通留学生所能欣赏的二毛子旧诗.【汉英文学 - 围城】 24、 Monoamine oxidase ( MAO ) inhibitors were introduced into therapy for the treatment of depression in 1957. 25、 单胺氧化酶 ( MAO ) 抑制剂1957年被推荐用来治疗抑郁症.【辞典例句】 26、 Monoamine oxidase ( MAO ) is a member of the enzyme barrier, which is an extensive existingoxidase in brain. 27、 单胺氧化酶 ( MAO ) 是一种广泛存在于脑内的单胺类物质氧化酶,是酶屏障组成的成分之一.【互联网】 28、 Mao Yiding: the occupation is the real intention of the client. 29、 毛一丁: 真正的意图是占领客户端.【互联网】 30、 Nan bamboo shoot, also called Mao bamboo shoot or Yulanpian driedbamboo shoots. 31、 楠笋又名毛竹笋, 玉兰片.【互联网】 32、 Angle is the standard unit, commonly known as Mao. 33、 角是标准单位, 俗称是毛.【互联网】 34、 Praise of White Poplar is a famous essay of Mao Dun. 35、 《白杨礼赞》是茅盾先生的散文名篇.【互联网】 36、 There are many false Mao - tai on the market these days. 37、 最近市场上有许多假的茅台.【互联网】 38、 Mao: There are two aspects to the propaganda about an anti - Soviet war. 39、 答: 关于 反 苏战争的宣传,包括两个方面.【互联网】 40、 Doctor Mao let astonied, ask her: " What meaning is this? " 41、 毛医生听了大吃一惊, 问她: “ 这是什么意思? ”【互联网】


