

发布于 2023-07-25 19:45:52     浏览 132




1、 glaciation 2、 音标:美 ['glesɪ'eʃən] 3、 解释: 4、 n. [地质] 冰川作用;冻结成冰 5、 中文词源: 6、 glaciation 冰川作用来自拉丁文glacies, 冰,词源同cold. 7、 英文词源: 8、 glaciation (n.) 9、 1640s, "act of freezing," noun of action from past participle stem of Latin glaciare "to freeze," deom glacies "ice" (see glacial). Geological sense of "presence of a mass of ice covering a region" is from 1863. 10、 双语例句: 11、 1. Pleistocene glaciation caused the extinction of many species. 12、 第四纪冰期,使许多物种绝灭. 13、 来自辞典例句 14、 2. During the Pleistocene Ice Age , the ancient drainage systems were almost completely rearranged by glaciation. 15、 在更新世冰期, 古水系常被冰川作用完全改造. 16、 来自辞典例句 17、 3. A comparatively short period of warmth during an overall period of glaciation. 18、 '间'.''冰期完整冰川运动期间一个相对较短的温暖''.'期'. ''. 19、 来自互联网 20、 4. Agassiz recognized marks of glaciation all over northern Europe. 21、 阿加西斯发现了整个北欧的冰川标志. 22、 来自互联网 23、 5. IS THERE REALLY QUATERNARY GLACIATION ON LUSHAN? 24、 庐山真的有第四纪冰川 吗 ? 25、 来自互联网 26、 更多相关例句: 27、 During the Pleistocene Ice Age , the ancient drainage systems were almost completely rearranged by glaciation. 28、 在更新世冰期, 古水系常被冰川作用完全改造.【辞典例句】 29、 Agassiz recognized marks of glaciation all over northern Europe. 30、 阿加西斯发现了整个北欧的冰川标志.【互联网】 31、 The Neoporoterozoic Altungol and Huangyanggou formations in Tarim plate: Recognized newly glaciation and interglaciation? 32、 塔里木板块上元古界阿勒通沟组和黄羊沟组: 新识别的冰期和间冰期?【互联网】 33、 Geologically speaking, the park's landscape was formed by two processes: mountain - building and glaciation. 34、 地质上说, 公园的景观形成了两个过程: 山区建设和冰川.【互联网】


