

发布于 2023-07-21 14:50:38     浏览 218




1、 frist 2、 弗里斯特 3、 英文词源: 4、 frist (n.) 5、 "a certain space of time," Old English frist, first "space of time, period; respite, truce" (compare Old Frisian first, Old High German frist, Old Norse frest). Archaic from 16c. As a verb, "delay," from early 13c. (perhaps in Old English but unattested). 6、 双语例句: 7、 1. He that would win the daughter must beging with the mother frist. 8、 欲赢得女儿者,必须首先赢得母亲开始. 9、 来自互联网 10、 2. Allow me to introduce frist . My name is Wanny. 11、 允许我自我介绍一下. 我叫威尼. 12、 来自互联网 13、 3. If you don't get the answers at frist, do you give up? 14、 如果一开始你没有得到答案, 你会放弃嘛? 15、 来自互联网 16、 4. I am awakened and my frist thoughts are of you. 17、 我醒了过来.第一个想到的. 就是你. 18、 来自互联网 19、 5. Gates turned for succour to his frist love overseeling software development. 20、 盖茨只好求助于他心爱的软件来排忧解难,他决定全面掌管软件的开发工作. 21、 来自互联网 22、 更多相关例句: 23、 Allow me to introduce frist . My name is Wanny. 24、 允许我自我介绍一下. 我叫威尼.【互联网】 25、 Gates turned for succour to his frist love overseeling software development. 26、 盖茨只好求助于他心爱的软件来排忧解难,他决定全面掌管软件的开发工作.【互联网】 27、 That judge goes pretty hard on sniffers — frist time or not. 28、 那位法官对吸毒者的处罚非常严厉——不管他是不是初犯.【互联网】 29、 I want to develop my career frist. 30、 我想先发展事业.【互联网】 31、 Frist of all, we emphasize cooperation over competition. 32、 首先, 我们重视合作甚于竞争.【互联网】 33、 Which pigeon arrived the frist? 34、 哪一只鸽子先到达的?【互联网】 35、 It is preferred equipment for the set of product line as the frist step crusher. 36、 破碎抗压强度不超过350兆帕的各种物料,是成套破碎生产线中初级破碎的首选设备.【互联网】 37、 Dutch striker Quincy is starting to get more involved in the frist - team this season. 38、 荷兰前锋昆西在本季一队比赛中取得的机会越来越多.【互联网】 39、 People frist had Thinksgaving in 1621 . It is a holiday to give thanks for the harvest. 40、 人们最早是在1621年开始庆祝感恩节的. 起初是为了感谢丰收的节日.【互联网】 41、 A certain musical disposition of mind comes frist and after that follows the poetical idea. 42、 心灵的某种音乐倾向是首要的,其次是诗意的思想.【互联网】 43、 Our company will provide you with satisfactory service with frist class quality and good creditability. 44、 我公司将以一流的质量,良好的信誉,为用户提供满意的服务.【互联网】 45、 Conclusions Surgery is the frist treatment option for brain tumors in midline and base of skull. 46、 结论手术切除肿瘤是颅底及中线部位肿瘤的首选治疗方法.【互联网】


