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1、 paw 2、 音标:英 [pɔː] 美 [pɔ] 3、 解释: 4、 vt. 抓,扒;亲昵地抚摸 5、 vi. 用爪子抓;翻找 6、 n. 爪子;手 7、 助记提示: 8、 把发音想成“刨”(用爪子才能刨) 9、 中文词源: 10、 paw 爪,手来自古法语powe,爪子,拳头,词源不详。来自PIE*ped,脚,词源同foot,biped. 11、 英文词源: 12、 paw (n.) 13、 c. 1300, from Old French powe, poe "paw, fist," of uncertain origin. Evidence points to a Gallo-Roman root form *pauta which probably is related to the source of patten. 14、 paw (v.) 15、 "use the hands roughly," c. 1600, from paw (n.). Related: Pawed; pawing. Middle English had pawen "to touch or strike with the paw" (c. 1400). 16、 双语例句: 17、 1. The dogs continued to paw and claw frantically at the chain mesh. 18、 那些狗继续用爪子疯狂地抓铁丝网。 19、 来自柯林斯例句 20、 2. He shook Keaton's hand with his big paw. 21、 他用他的大爪子握了握基顿的手。 22、 来自柯林斯例句 23、 3. He removes a thorn from a lion's paw. 24、 他从狮子脚掌上拔下一根刺。 25、 来自柯林斯例句 26、 4. It's evident that he wants to make a cat's paw of you. 27、 很明显,他是在利用你. 28、 来自《简明英汉词典》 29、 5. I'll fight you with one paw tied behind my back. 30、 我会用一只爪子绑在背后跟你们打. 31、 来自英语连读(第二部分) 32、 更多相关例句: 33、 Take your filthy paws off me! 34、 把你的脏手从我身上拿开!【牛津词典】 35、 The dog pawed at my sleeve. 36、 狗一直挠我的衣袖。【牛津词典】 37、 The stallion pawed the ground impatiently. 38、 种马焦躁地用蹄刨着地面。【牛津词典】 39、 The kitten was black with white front paws and a white splotch on her chest... 40、 那只黑色小猫长着白色前爪,胸口上有一块白斑。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 41、 He removes a thorn from a lion's paw. 42、 他从狮子脚掌上拔下一根刺。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 43、 He shook Keaton's hand with his big paw. 44、 他用他的大爪子握了握基顿的手。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 45、 Madigan's horse pawed the ground... 46、 马迪根的马用蹄子扒着地面。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 47、 The dogs continued to paw and claw frantically at the chain mesh. 48、 那些狗继续用爪子疯狂地抓铁丝网。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 49、 Stop pawing me, Giles!... 50、 别碰我,贾尔斯!【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 51、 He pawed at my jacket with his free hand. 52、 他用闲着的那只手摸我的夹克。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 53、 Oh, I had to leave him at home. He has a sore paw. 54、 哦, 我只好把它留在家里了. 它爪子疼.【期刊摘选】 55、 She's actually a cat's paw for her boyfriend, poor girl. 56、 实际上她只是她男朋友的工具而已, 可怜的孩子.【期刊摘选】 57、 I spent weeks training him to press his paw on the latch to let himself in. 58、 我花了几周时间训练它把爪子压在门闩上使自己进来.【期刊摘选】 59、 Old Mr White was afraid and he put the monkey's paw into his pocker. 60、 老怀特先生害怕了,他把猴爪放进了口袋.【期刊摘选】 61、 He served as a cat's paw. 62、 他充当爪牙.【辞典例句】 63、 The dog give a yelp when I tread on its paw. 64、 我踩了那狗的爪子,它丢剧?了一声.【期刊摘选】 65、 Maybe he could get it with his paw. 66、 也许它可以用爪子抓住它.【期刊摘选】 67、 They a paw or bare their teeth. 68、 它们还会张牙舞爪.【期刊摘选】 69、 It's evident that he wants to make a cat's paw of you. 70、 很明显,他是在利用你.【《简明英汉词典》】 71、 Mirabo: What? You never lifted a paw! 72、 什么? 你可从来没举过“爪”哦!【期刊摘选】 73、 The little cat flicked out a paw and drew the ball of wool towards it. 74、 那只小猫突然伸出一只爪子,把绒线球抓了过去.【期刊摘选】 75、 Paw prints were seen in many places and puma fur was also found cling to bushes. 76、 在许多地方看见了爪印,灌木丛中也发现了粘在上面的美洲狮毛.【期刊摘选】 77、 Then Mr White said, Why do you want the paw now? 78、 接着,怀特先生问, 为什么你现在还要这个爪子 呢 ?【期刊摘选】 79、 But instead of howling for help, he paw forward and starts the long journey home. 80、 但狗狗却并未嚎叫寻求帮助, 而是继续向前,开始寻找归家之路的遥远旅程.【期刊摘选】 81、 That old man is always trying to paw me at the pub. 82、 那个老男人在酒吧里老想吃我豆腐.【期刊摘选】 83、 As for the last quarter, who dares lay a paw on it? 84、 至于最后一份, 谁敢伸手去取?【期刊摘选】 85、 Pedals apparently has an injured leg or paw that doesn't allow it to walk comfortably on all fours, according to experts.【2017年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A】


