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1、 reveal 2、 音标:英 [rɪ'viːl] 美 [rɪ'vil] 3、 解释: 4、 vt. 显示;透露;揭露;泄露 5、 n. 揭露;暴露;门侧,窗侧 6、 助记提示: 7、 1. veil => -veal, vel-, velat-. 8、 2. re- + -veal. 9、 中文词源: 10、 reveal 揭示,揭露来自拉丁语 revelare,揭露,揭示,来自 re-,相反,velare,遮盖,来自 velum,面纱,词源同 veil,velar. 11、 英文词源: 12、 reveal 13、 reveal: [14] To reveal something is etymologically to ‘unveil’ it. The word comes via Old French reveler from Latin revēlāre ‘unveil, disclose’, a compound verb formed from the prefix re- ‘back’ (in the sense ‘reverting to a former condition’) and vēlum ‘veil’ (source of English veil). 14、 => veil 15、 reveal (v.) 16、 late 14c., from Old French reveler "reveal" (14c.), from Latin revelare "reveal, uncover, disclose," literally "unveil," from re- "opposite of" (see re-) + velare "to cover, veil," from velum "a veil" (see veil (n.)). Related: Revealed; revealing. 17、 双语例句: 18、 1. Experts reveal only as much as they care to. 19、 专家们只透露了他们想透露的那些。 20、 来自柯林斯例句 21、 2. He cannot reveal how much money is involved in the scheme. 22、 他不能透露该计划投入了多少钱。 23、 来自柯林斯例句 24、 3. Companies should be made to reveal more about their financial position. 25、 应该要求公司使其财务状况更为透明化。 26、 来自柯林斯例句 27、 4. The wall caved in to reveal a blocked-up Victorian fireplace. 28、 墙坍塌了,露出砌在里面的维多利亚时代的壁炉。 29、 来自柯林斯例句 30、 5. The hinged seat lifts up to reveal a useful storage space. 31、 把用铰链连接的座位抬起来后,就会发现下面有一个实用的储物空间。 32、 来自柯林斯例句 33、 更多相关例句: 34、 to reveal a secret 35、 泄露一条秘密【牛津词典】 36、 Details of the murder were revealed by the local paper. 37、 地方报纸披露了谋杀的细节。【牛津词典】 38、 The report reveals (that) the company made a loss of £20 million last year. 39、 报告显示,公司去年亏损2 000万英镑。【牛津词典】 40、 It was revealed that important evidence had been suppressed. 41、 据透露,重要的证据被隐瞒了。【牛津词典】 42、 Officers could not reveal how he died. 43、 警察们不能透露他的死因。【牛津词典】 44、 He laughed, revealing a line of white teeth. 45、 他笑了起来,露出一排洁白的牙齿。【牛津词典】 46、 The door opened to reveal a cosy little room. 47、 房门打开,一间温暖舒适的小屋展现在眼前。【牛津词典】 48、 She crouched in the dark, too frightened to reveal herself . 49、 她蜷缩在黑暗中,吓得不敢露面。【牛津词典】 50、 She has refused to reveal the whereabouts of her daughter... 51、 她不肯透露她女儿的行踪。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 52、 A survey of the British diet has revealed that a growing number of people are overweight... 53、 对英国人饮食进行的一项调查显示有越来越多的人超重。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 54、 A grey carpet was removed to reveal the original pine floor. 55、 一块灰色的地毯被揭开,露出了原来的松木地板。【柯林斯高阶英语词典】 56、 Traditional and the newly established key projects absorbed a total of more than 60 million graduates. 57、 传统和新设立的重点项目共吸纳60多万名毕业生.【期刊摘选】 58、 The journalist did not want to reveal the identity of his informant. 59、 那个新闻工作者不想透露消息提供人的身份.【《简明英汉词典》】 60、 In spite of this, many people are confident that " The Revealer " may reveal something of value fairly soon. 61、 尽管如此, 许多人相信 “ 这架探宝器 ” 不久就会探测出有价值的东西来.【《用法词典》】 62、 We tried our best to head Henry off the topic, because we knew he'd reveal confidential information. 63、 我们竭力把亨利从那个话题上扯开, 因为我们知道那样谈下去他会泄露机密.【《简明英汉词典》】 64、 Documents leaked to this newspaper purport to reveal that radioactive waste is being illegally dumped on the site. 65、 透露给报纸的文件声称是揭露放射性废料正被非法倾倒到此地一事.【《简明英汉词典》】 66、 In spite of this, many people are confident that'The Revealer'may reveal something of value fairly soon. 67、 尽管如此, 许多人相信,这架探测器不久便会探出有价值的东西来.【《用法词典》】 68、 The new collections of custom furs around town reveal plenty of folderol, but there are practical things too. 69、 市上大批新的定做的皮衣中有许多是华而不实的, 但也有一些实用的东西.【《现代汉英综合大词典》】 70、 He took off his shirt to reveal his tanned torso. 71、 他脱下了衬衫展现出晒得黝黑的身体.【《简明英汉词典》】 72、 She doesn't reveal much of her inner self. 73、 她不大流露她的内心自我。【《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》】 74、 to reveal a secret 75、 泄露一条秘密【《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》】 76、 Experts reveal only as much as they care to. 77、 专家们只透露了他们想透露的那些。【柯林斯例句】 78、 He cannot reveal how much money is involved in the scheme. 79、 他不能透露该计划投入了多少钱。【柯林斯例句】 80、 Companies should be made to reveal more about their financial position. 81、 应该要求公司使其财务状况更为透明化。【柯林斯例句】 82、 We reveal only as much information as we can safely risk at a given time. 83、 我们仅能透露在某一时刻被认为是没有风险的信息量。【柯林斯例句】 84、 She believed that she had been selected by the Master to reveal forgotten wisdom. 85、 她认为自己是被长老选中来揭示被人们遗忘的智慧的。【柯林斯例句】 86、 A recent study of people with HSAM reveals that they are liable to fantasy and full absorption in an activity.【出自-2017年6月阅读原文】 87、 A recent Harris poll revealed that 79% of Americans say they enjoy cooking and 30% love it; 14% admit to not enjoying kitchen work and just 7% won't go near the stove at all.【出自-2015年12月阅读原文】 88、 A recent survey by a credit bureau revealed that the number of alarmed citizens had shot up to 76 percent.【出自-2013年6月听力原文】 89、 The results reveal that while Swedes were the tallest people in the world in 1914, Dutch men have risen from 12th place to claim top spot with an average height of 182.5cm.【2019年6月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C】 90、 Results of USA WEEKEND's Teens & Parents survey reveal a generation of young people who get along well with their parents and approve of the way they're being raised.【出自-2016年6月阅读原文】 91、 In a study published in Nature Scientific Reports, we reveal just how deep this injustice runs.【出自-2016年12月阅读原文】 92、 A study of employees at health insurance provider Aetna revealed that roughly one quarter of those taking in-office yoga and mindfulness classes reported a 28% reduction in their stress levels and a 20% improvement in sleep quality.【出自-2016年12月阅读原文】 93、 Today, a visit to a lighting store reveals a stunning array of choices.【出自-2015年12月阅读原文】 94、 Although surveys reveal the IDP process to be useful, trainees report a need for additional resources to help them identify a long-term career path and complete an IDP.【出自-2013年12月阅读原文】 95、 What do Newsweek rankings reveal about women in Canada【出自-2013年12月阅读原文】 96、 Their work is already starting to reveal how the "Obama effect" is changing people's views and behaviour.【出自-2010年6月阅读原文】 97、 They don't want to reveal their own frustration.【出自-2011年6月听力原文】 98、 Now, new evidence reveals that all or most of the Antarctic ice sheet collapsed at least once during the past 1.3 million years, a period when global temperatures probably were not significantly higher than they are today.【出自-2010年12月听力原文】 99、 What is the latest information revealed about the West Antarctic ice sheet?【出自-2010年12月听力原文】 100、 Case studies of children who were isolated from others reveal that they lack a firm self-concept, and their mental and psychological development is severely hindered by lack of language.【出自-2010年6月听力原文】 101、 A group of researchers reveal scores of studies that trace the relationship between health and interaction with others【出自-2010年6月听力原文】 102、 In a study published in Nature Scientific Reports, we reveal just how deep this injustice runs.【2016年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C】 103、 Longevity statistics reveal that the average person doesn't last very long after retirement.【2019年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section B】 104、 Mathematical models have also revealed that food webs may be unstable, where small changes of top predators can lead to big effects throughout entire ecosystems.【2019年高考英语天津卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文】 105、 To my mother, the poem revealed a parent's affection when her child grows up and leaves.【2016年高考英语上海卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文】 106、 You accidentally reveal to entire company what menu choices you would prefer at the staff christmas dinner, or what holiday you'd like to take.【2017年高考英语天津卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文】 107、 Yet the research revealed that the U.【出自-2009年考研阅读原文】 108、 This DNA can reveal genetic information about only one or two ancestors, even though, for example, just three generations back people also have six other great-grandparents or, four generations back, 14 other great-great-grandparents.【出自-2009年考研阅读原文】 109、 Closer inspection reveals important differences among the biggest national markets, especially in their customer segments and wholesale structures, as well as the competitive dynamics of individual food and drink categories.【出自-2010年考研阅读原文】 110、 Part of the fame of Allen‘s book is its contention that “Circumstances do not make a person, they reveal him.【出自-2011年考研翻译原文】 111、 Allen‘s contribution was to take an assumption we all share-that because we are not robots we therefore control our thoughts-and reveal its erroneous nature.【出自-2011年考研翻译原文】 112、 Analyses reveal that the number of papers including the keywords.【出自-2013年考研阅读原文】 113、 Nor does it reveal how much companies are banking on the halo effect, rather than the other possible benefits, when they decide their do-gooding policies.【出自-2016年考研阅读原文】 114、 So when young people are critical of an over-tweeting president, they reveal a mental discipline in thinking skills - and in their choices on when to share on social media.【出自-2018年考研阅读原文】 115、 Analyses reveal that the number of papers including the keywords "environmental change" or "climate change" have increased rapidly since 2004.【2013年考研真题(英语一)阅读】


